As the king of late night comedy, Jay Leno has few living peers. He is watched and beloved by millions of American viewers, which makes it difficult to understand his support for an organization that seeks to shut down facilities that have as their sole purpose to give a home and guidance to young ladies who find themselves pregnant with nowhere else to go.
On April 29th Jay Leno and his wife are hosting a fundraiser for the Feminist Majority Foundation, a radical pro-abortion group that not only advocates for abortion on demand, but also for the closing of pro-life pregnancy centers.
This month the Feminist Majority Foundation sent an e-mail to its 400 campus affiliates planning a nationwide protest against facilities that dare to offer women alternatives to abortion and the support they need to choose life.
Please let NBC know that is unacceptable and that you will not watch any show that stars Jay Leno until he apologizes to the hundreds of thousands of people who have been helped by pregnancy care centers and the hundreds of thousands of people who staff those centers.
Please contact Jeff Zucker, NBC Chief Executive, and ask him why his star, Jay Leno, is raising money for an organization that attacks pregnancy care centers.
Tony Perkins
Christmas 2015
9 years ago